Noom Diet Plan Review (UPDATE: 2020)

What is the Noom Diet Plan?

Noom is a health app that provides personalized coaching to aid with weight loss. This 16-week customized plan targets millennials and it was designed by behavioral psychologists. Unlike some of the more extreme diets and weight-loss programs out there today, Noom focuses more on realistic and sustainable lifestyle changes in order to encourage long-term success. It basically tricks your body over time into developing healthier habits.

How much weight can you expect to lose with the Noom Diet App? The answer is 1-2 pounds per week.

There's also a 30-second online evaluation that's supposed to tell you the weight-loss results to expect.

How Much Does the Noom App Cost? 

The Noom "Healthy Weight Program" price tag is $59 a month. So, do not expect to pay a one-time fee and be done with it. Just like many diet supplements and programs out there, this weight loss app will add another bill to your monthly expenses.

Noom also offers a "Diabetes Prevention Program" for $89.99 per month.

Is there a Noom Trial Offer?

Yes, there is a free 14-day trial offer available. This allows you to try and experience everything the Noom weight loss app has to offer for 2 weeks, free of charge.

What Does the Noom Weight Loss App Offer?

Okay, here's what you can do after you complete the Noom login:

  • Engage in quizzes to help you stay motivated and on track.
  • Read helpful articles.
  • Track all of the foods you eat by scanning barcodes or searching a database. 
  • Consistently log your blood sugar, current weight, blood pressure and daily exercise.
  • Receive one-on-one coaching from Noom professionals during business hours. 

Is There A Noom Food List?

Yes, there are Noom food lists that can help you stay on track and eat the right snacks and meals. After all, this diet divides foods into three basic categories. These are broken down like this:

  • My Green Foods (coffee, apples, tomatoes, oat milk, sweet potatoes, nut milk, egg whites, skim milk, and nonfat yogurt) 
  • My Yellow Foods (avocados, quinoa, grilled seafood, low-fat cheeses, beans, grilled poultry, hummus, eggs, and beer)
  • My Red Foods (wine, beef, pizza, bacon, nut butter, french fries, cake, and full-fat cheese)

What About Noom Diet Reviews 2019? 

You will find some Noom video reviews and testimonials online. Both men and women who have completed this weight loss program have seen results. But, like any diet program, it's not for everyone. We did find some discouraging comments as well. 

Any Science or Clinical Studies to Support Noom for Weight Loss?

Yes, one clinical study took place between October 2012 and April 2014. Around 36,000 participants were involved, both women and men. 77.9 percent of participants experienced weight loss over the course of 9 months. 

The Bottom Line on the Noom Diet!

On the plus side, the Noom weight-loss program allows you to eat any kind of food you want. Many dieters appreciate this, because they want to lose weight, but without certain foods being off-limits. Also, according to the dozens of Noom reviews around the web, millennials dig the simplicity of the diet app. This diet boasts more realistic weight-loss goals of 1-2 pounds weekly, and it does encourage healthier lifestyle changes and habits that last for the long haul. That is, if you stick with it. Please, let us know what you think. 


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