20 20 Weight Loss Goals - Are You Ready?

As the year draws closer to an end, people are starting to think about 2020 weight loss goals. Once January 1st hits, the New Years resolutions are made, and the scramble to shed those extra pounds of fat is ON. Do you know where to get started?

Losing Weight for 20 20

Begin by addressing your overall weight and body image and consider the number of pounds you need to lose. You need to start somewhere and establishing a goal is a great way to begin. As we all get older, it becomes easier and easier to pack on unwanted pounds of fat - after all, our metabolisms slow down and we become so busy with work, kids, responsibilities and just life in general.

Identify What is Preventing Your 2020 Weight Loss

Now, it's time to address the core issue! Where are you going wrong with diet and exercise? Are you eating the wrong kinds of foods, i.e. loads of sugary snacks, soda, simple carbs, desserts, fast food and processed foods? Are you taking in more calories than you're burning off each day? After all, everything comes back to calorie consumption when you're trying to lose weight and keep it off.

Make Healthy Food Choices to Shed Pounds

Consider replacing some of the unhealthy foods you eat with fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, beans and legumes, whole grains, and of course, more water. Make water your primary beverage of choice. Not only is it free of calories, but it helps keep you regular and promotes healthy energy levels and a more vibrant appearance.

Track the Calories to Ensure 20 20 Weight Loss Results

Okay, you don't necessarily have to track every single calorie you eat, but keep in mind that weight loss and healthy weight maintenance always comes back to calories consumed and calories expended. You need to burn more calories than you eat - that is, if you want to see real weight loss results. Start off small! Maybe you consume around 2,000 calories per day. Try reducing it by 100-200 calories. This way it won't be such a shock to your system. As you see some weight loss results and adapt to your new calorie intake, you can slowly reduce your overall daily calorie consumption a bit more.

Add Some Exercise to Improve 2020 Weight Loss Efforts 

Consider something as simple as walking daily. You don't have to do P90X or a triathlon in order to get rid of that spare tire. All you need to do is move more. Any time you move, whether it's walking, running or just pacing around the living room, you're burning calories. It doesn't have to be daunting! Just add something simple to your lifestyle and you'll get better weight loss results in 2020.

You Can Get Those 20 20 Weight Loss Results You're After!

Like everything worthwhile, weight loss takes time and patience. You can get the body you want for 2020, and get the weight loss results you're after by being diligent. Giving up is not an option! Slowly change your diet and calorie intake and you WILL see results. Move more, and you'll see even better results with weight loss!

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